Leading the way for fostering in Ireland. Origins Foster Care supports foster carers in Ireland so they can make a difference in a child's life.

A pair of origins foster carers comprised of a smiling black woman standing in front of a black man, the latter has foster child on his shoulders.
An origins foster care family with two women and a child smiling and looking at a children's book
A female and a male origins foster carer smiling and blowing bubbles in a park with two children

Origins Foster Care is the go-to independent agency for those interested in fostering in Ireland. Origins supports prospective and existing foster carers through a trauma-informed approach; an approach which recognises the impact trauma has on children and the significant role a foster carer can play in supporting children to recover.

Approximately 6,000 children and young people are in state care in Ireland. Foster carers provide these children with a positive experience of family life, a supportive daily routine, love, and guidance to meet their true potential. If you think you might want to become a foster carer, you can find out more about the next steps to becoming a foster carer here.

Discover next steps

Join the Origins fostering family

Foster Care – We get it! Origins Foster Care was set up and is owned by two Irish practising social workers with many years of experience of the Irish care system, ensuring you receive the best support and guidance.

A pair of origins foster carers comprised of a smiling black woman standing in front of a black man, the latter has foster child on his shoulders.
An origins foster care family with two women and a child smiling and looking at a children's book
A female and male origins foster carer smilling and blowing bubbles in a park with two children
A male and a female origins foster carer sitting on the floor playing scrabble with three children.
A male origins foster carer with a denim jacket and a pair of glasses smiling with two children, one on his shoulders.

Our foster carers are a diverse group of enthusiastic, committed, and caring people who have time in their lives to care for a child.

Our Foster Carers are:

  • Single applicants or couples
  • Heterosexual or 🌈 same-sex couples
  • Cohabiting or married
  • Renters or homeowners
  • Employed or unemployed
  • Parents or non-parents
  • All ethnicities and religions
Get in touch

Reach out for any questions and enquiries. A member of our fostering team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thinking about fostering?
Make your enquiry today.
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Contact form
We are always happy to receive your messages.
Contact us
087 052 9749
Social Work Placement Referrals
Tel. 01 9079196 / placements@originsfostercare.ie