Journey of Hearts: The Power of Quality Time in Foster Care

In this edition of Journey of Hearts, Erin shares how spending quality time with children in care, from simple daily activities to adventurous travels, builds trust, growth, and connection.

In the latest instalment of our Journey of Hearts series, we explore the significance of quality time in fostering. Erin, a dedicated foster carer with Origins Foster Care, shares her approach to creating meaningful connections with the children in her care. From everyday activities to grand adventures, Erin emphasises the profound impact that spending time together can have on a child’s development and sense of belonging.

Creating Connections Through Simple Moments

Erin believes in the power of small, everyday activities to build trust and connection with the children in her care. "We spend quality time with the children in our care by just simple things like watching a film together or maybe even going on a bike ride up to the country lane at the back of the house," she shares. These moments, whether it’s a trip to a local café for a snack or a relaxing afternoon at home, lay the foundation for building even deeper relationships.

It's important to spend quality time with the children in your care because they need that interaction and nurture from you just to develop themselves and just to develop who they are.

How To Get Even More Quality Time With Children

While everyday moments are essential, Erin also highlights the value of allowing children to discover new experiences and environments by taking them on holidays. "We try to travel with them and show them that there's a lot more to this world than what they've seen so far," Erin explains.

These trips not only broaden the children’s horizons but also deepen the relationship they have with their foster carers in a much more meaningful way than is possible at home when school, activities, homework, play, and friends are in the mix. Whether it’s teaching a child to swim or exploring new places together, these shared experiences on holidays are where Erin sees the most significant progress in strengthening relationships.

The Impact of Shared Experiences

Erin observes that quality time away from the usual routines – like on holidays or special outings –allows children to step out of their comfort zones and trust in the support of their carers. These shared experiences are vital for children to feel secure and valued, knowing that someone is there to catch them when they fall.

Inspired by the difference you can make in a child's life by carving out a space for quality time together? Consider applying to become a foster carer with Origins Foster Care. Contact us today to learn more about how you can make a difference in a child’s life through the power of connection and care.

A portrait photo of Eithne Larkin, a team member at Origins Foster Care smiling and looking at the camera.
Written by:
Eithne LarkinEithne Larkin
August 19, 2024
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