Myth Busters: Do You Need to Know the Age and Gender of Children You Will Foster Before Applying?

In our latest Myth Busters video, we address the common misconception about whether prospective foster carers need to know the age and gender of children before applying. Discover the truth behind this myth and learn how the assessment process works.

Welcome to another entry in our Myth Busters series, where we dispel common misconceptions about fostering. Today, we’re tackling the question: "Do you need to know the age and gender of children in care before becoming a foster carer?" This topic often arises during the application process, and we’re here to provide clarity.

The Myth

Many people believe that they must specify the age and gender of the children they wish to foster from the outset. This misconception can create unnecessary pressure and may even deter some potential foster carers from moving forward with their applications.

The Reality

The truth is, you don’t need to make a definitive choice about the age and gender of the children you want to care for when you first apply. As the assessment process unfolds, you’ll be guided to consider what might be the best fit for your family situation, lifestyle, and capabilities.

During the assessment process, social workers will help you explore different scenarios, considering factors such as your current work commitments, your family dynamics, and your comfort levels with various age groups and genders. The goal is to ensure that the match between carer and child is beneficial for everyone involved.

Origins Foster Care adopts a flexible approach, recognising that every carer’s situation is unique. The process is designed to evolve as you gain more understanding and confidence in your ability to foster.

You don't need to make a definitive choice about age and gender right away. The assessment process is here to guide you and ensure the best match for both you and the children in care.

Even after your initial placement, ongoing support is available to help you adjust and address any new challenges that arise. At Origins, we provide continuous training, peer support groups, and 24/7 assistance, so you’re never alone on this journey.

Understanding that you don’t have to have all the answers from the start can make the prospect of fostering less daunting. The assessment process is designed to be thorough and supportive, ensuring that you and the children placed in your care have the best possible experience.

If you’ve been considering fostering but felt unsure about specifying age and gender, now is the time to take the next step. Get in touch with Origins Foster Care today to learn more about our supportive and flexible fostering process. And if you know someone who would make a great foster carer, encourage them to explore this rewarding path with us.

A portrait photo of Eithne Larkin, a team member at Origins Foster Care smiling and looking at the camera.
Written by:
Eithne LarkinEithne Larkin
August 12, 2024
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