Inside Origins: Dive Into The Essential Role Nikki Darcy Holds At Origins

Step inside Origins and meet Nikki Darcy, the Social Work Team Leader. Discover how her compassionate approach and extensive experience in social work make her an essential part of the Origins fostering family.

Welcome to the inaugural post of our "Inside Origins" series, where we introduce you to the remarkable individuals who make up the Origins team. Today, we're thrilled to spotlight Nikki Darcy, the Team Leader for Support and Supervision. With a rich background in social work, Nikki is a cornerstone in the support system for both foster carers and link workers at Origins.

Education & Experience

Nikki Darcy brings an impressive 14 years of experience in social work to the Origins fostering family. With qualifications in social work from Trinity College Dublin, her career began in child protection, where she spent a fourteen years working with Túsla, Ireland's national Child and Family agency. Transitioning to Origins allowed Nikki to shift her focus towards supporting children in placements and the foster carers who provide those loving homes.

Nikki's Role

As the Social Work Team Leader, Nikki wears multiple hats. Her primary responsibility lies in the support and supervision of link workers. She provides both formal and informal supervision, creating a space for reflective discussions and check-ins that help link workers in their roles.

"I provide the formal supervision to link workers, but also in any given day like informal supervision, check-in discussions, reflections around different things that might be arising in their support of the foster carers."

Ever Evolving Training

One of Nikki's pivotal roles is identifying and addressing the training needs of foster carers. She collaborates closely with link workers to understand the unique challenges and requirements that foster carers may have. Nikki also extends this focus on training to her team of link workers, ensuring they are equipped with the latest theories and approaches to provide optimal support.

Daily Dynamics

Nikki's day-to-day responsibilities are a balancing act of supervision, training, and planning. Whether it's creating individual development plans for social workers or scheduling training sessions for foster carers, Nikki's role is integral in maintaining the quality of care that Origins is known for.

Nikki Darcy is more than just a Team Leader; she's a guiding force in the Origins fostering family. Her extensive experience and engaged, compassionate approach to supervision and training make her an invaluable asset to our team offering dedicated support for foster carers.

As we continue our "Inside Origins" series, we look forward to introducing you to more of the incredible individuals who make Origins the nurturing and supportive environment it is.

Are you inspired by the passion Nikki brings to Origins? Would you like her fighting your corner as a foster carer? Learn more about becoming a foster carer with Origins Foster Care or connect with our team to discover how you can make an impact in a child's life today.

A portrait photo of Eithne Larkin, a team member at Origins Foster Care smiling and looking at the camera.
Written by:
Eithne LarkinEithne Larkin
September 20, 2023
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